
Parted Magic for Windows

Parted Magic for Windows

The Parted Magic Os can easily insure sectionalization jobs because it uses the nub Gparted and parted programs. It offers a fantastic collection of comprehensive document product applications.

The here folder systems are supported by Parted Magic: linux-swap, disk, real estate managers, regulators4, and ext4 fat16, fat32.

Included in the critical benefits are:

  1. Internal and external hard drives should be formatted.
  2. partition on challenging drives can be moved, copied, created, deleted, expanded, and shrunk.
  3. To make a complete back-up, wipe out your hard pull.
  4. Check hard drives to see if they’re’re about to fail.
  5. Check for lousy fields in brain.
  6. Create a performance ranking for your pc.
  7. Your whole challenging get should be safely erased, leaving no facts behind.
  8. connection to non-booting programs that let you retrieve crucial information.
  9. No installation is necessary because it runs directly from the Cd.


Please be aware that for Parted Magic to function, it needs at least an i586 chipset, 312mb of Ram, or 175mb in Live. Way.

Limits: This edition is the most recent completely adaptation to be made available, and some gadgets are known to experience issues with it. You’ve’ve been informed.



Windows version of Parted Charm 2023.08.01
  1. Xp of Windows,
  2. Windows 7, etc.
  3. Windows 10,
  4. Using Windows 2000
  5. 2003 Windows,
  6. Windows Vista,
  7. 98th Skylights,
  8. Windows 8,
Cultures that are spoken:
  1. English,
  2. German,
  3. Spanish,
  4. French,
  5. Italian,
  6. Japanese,
  7. Polish,
  8. Chinese
most recent revision:
November 28, 2023, Tuesday
Llc of Parted Miracle

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