
EarthView for Windows

EarthView for Windows

A strong desktop wall and filter saving program called Earthview shows stunning images of the planet with dark at both day and event. Even at a quality of 2560×1600, it creates images that are vibrant, high-quality, and increased magnification.

All observe parameters can be completely customized using a variety of choice. Starting at 10 kilometres magnification, it supports five numerous stunning maps of the land. At 100 % camera, this translates to 10 meters on planet for every pel on your screen.

Included in the important aspects are:

  1. observe of the sea in great detail.
  2. Perception during the day and overnight.
  3. implications of the atmosphere.
  4. city lamps and cosmopolitan spots.
  5. Clouds( ongoing cloud data downloaded over the internet ).
  6. information on the rainfall, including temps, moisture, nothingness, and burden. .).
  7. endorse for many monitors
  8. support for Windows 10,.


Maps and globe views, urban settings, neighborhood lights, atmospheric effects, clouds, weather data, national effort displays, and many other features are supported by the use. Additionally, Earthview supports various charts that depict the earth’s’s surface in various methods, such as annual change in foliage, snowfall, and lake frosting.



Windows version of Earthview 7.1
  1. Windows 8, etc.
  2. Windows 7, etc.
  3. Vista, Windows
  4. Windows 10.
language that are spoken:
  1. English,
  2. German
a test release
most recent revision:
November 15th, 2023, a Tuesday

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